LLC "R & S TET" contains the work environment Control Laboratory (accredited by the Latvian National Accreditation Bureau and is competent to perform testing in accordance with LVS EN ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 standard requirements in the following areas: the working area air and physical factors testing (LATAK registration No. LATAK- T-421)). Labor protection
The company's labor protection system. Preventive action plan preparation. Occupational risk factors evaluation. Ministry of labor and environmental protection regulatory documents registry creation, maintenance. Noise measurements. Spatial noise measurements. Premises noise measurements .... Environmental protection
LLC "R & S TET" that many customers is known as a consultant in the field of occupational health and safety, offers businesses a new range of services - advice on environmental protection. In the preparation and coordination of the regional environmental board of the environmental impact assessment of the original work and the receipt of technical regulations. Permits for polluting activities, water use permits, waste management permit.
LLC "R & S TET" contains the work environment Control Laboratory (accredited by the Latvian National Accreditation Bureau and is competent to perform testing in accordance with LVS EN ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 standard requirements in the following areas: the working area air and physical factors testing (LATAK registration No. LATAK- T-421)). Labor protection
The company's labor protection system. Preventive action plan preparation. Occupational risk factors evaluation. Ministry of labor and environmental protection regulatory documents registry creation, maintenance. Noise measurements. Spatial noise measurements. Premises noise measurements .... Environmental protection
LLC "R & S TET" that many customers is known as a consultant in the field of occupational health and safety, offers businesses a new range of services - advice on environmental protection. In the preparation and coordination of the regional environmental board of the environmental impact assessment of the original work and the receipt of technical regulations. Permits for polluting activities, water use permits, waste management permit.
The Labour Protection services:
- the company's labor protection system development;
- creation of preventive preparation action plan;
- work environment risk factor assessment;
- creation and maintenance of Latvian Republic work and environmental protection regulatory documents ;
- audit of existing labour protection documentation;
- the necessary labor protection measures plan, based on risk factors assessment in order to prevent it completely or reduce them to acceptable levels;
- development of all the necessary documentation (for noise, list of workers that might be inflenced by chenicals etc.)
- compilation of mandatory health examinations list;
- preparation of a list of employees who require mandatory health examinations;
- evaluation of safety signs necessity;
- personal protective equipment evaluation, advising;
- revision or preparation of labor protection instructions;
- providing expert investigation and analysis in company’s accidents, technological disruptions and occupational diseases;
- providing information and advice to the company on labor protection regulation documents, and any changes associated with it;
- organization of conduction of laboratory measurements;
- explosive environmental classification;
- explosive environmental risk assessment;
- recommendations for explosive environmental risk mitigation;
- selection of work equipment and protective systems.
Fire safety Service:
LLC "R & S TET" composed the work environment Control Laboratory (accredited by the Latvian National Accreditation Bureau and is competent to perform testing in accordance with LVS EN ISO/IEC 17025: 2017 standard requirements in the following areas: the working area air and physical factors testing (LATAK registration number LATAK-T-421)).
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